Estate & Letting Agents Association of United Kingdom
ELAA-UK Awards 2020
The ELAA-UK awards 2020 will, as always, be full of surprises, great food, amazing entertainment and a variety of guest speakers - see opposite for just some of the things you can expect.
In addition to the awards ceremonies the night will also be a great way to socialise and connect with other members of the industry and suppliers.
To nominate someone or a business for an award please simply fill in the form below (it can be anonymous but we will need your contact details to discuss the reasons for the nomination, etc) and we will do the rest.
The 2020 awards see many new categories so think hard about the people you know and nominate as many people or businesses as you like but please make sure to give as much detail about why they should be awarded.
Here are just some of the things
that promise to make the ELAA-UK Awards 2020 another amazing event to remember:
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ELAA-UK, the ELAA-UK logo, the ELAA-UK 'Swirl' logo, the terms 'Estate & Letting Agents Association UK' and 'Estate & Letting Agents Association of United Kingdom' are all trademarks of ELAA-UK
EAAUK, the EAAUK logo, the EAAUK 'Swirl' logo and the terms 'Estate Agents Association UK' and 'Estate & LEtting Agents Association of United Kingdom' are all trademarks of ELAA-UK
*Planned new advertising campaign is expected to start during 2020, please contact ELAA-UK for further information at:
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